Perform the following duties under the teacher’s

(or other supervisor’s) direction and guidance:


Clerical:  Assist with preparing instructional materials and

classroom records            


Monitoring:  Supervise students in hall, lavatory, recess,

lunch, playground, and classroom and activities including,

but not limited to, emergency drills and assemblies


Instructional duties:  Work with individual and/or small group

instruction, listen to oral reading, reinforce instruction, supervise

learning centers and work areas, and provid individual attention

when needed



Classroom duties:  Set up and use instructional equipment such

as computers,audiovisual equipment, and related technology;

plan activities and assist with organization of activities from

beginning to end      


Classroom management duties:  Maintain behavioral data and

reinforce acceptable behaviors, promote wholesome intra-school

and community-school relations


Individual student assistance:  Assist in evaluating IEP Goals,

devising strategies for reinforcing skills for small groups or

individual students, based on their understanding, needs, interests

and abilities, then assist them to achieve higher skill levels


Implement and execute provisions of State Statutes, Board Policies

and Administrative rules and regulations


Maintain confidentiality of information and records


Assist with catherization in accordance with student IEP

(after proper professional medical training), special bathroom

needs, clean up of blood and bodily fluids (colds,runny nose,

coughing -including a student’s inability to cover mouth appropriately)


Assist with monitoring of and responses to student health,

including the use of EPI pens, glucose monitors, inhalers, etc.,

as trained and directed


Provide assistance to staff and students that may include

occasional interaction among unruly children


Comply with all Plain Local Board of Education policies and



Perform other duties as directed